Environment Governance Institute (EGI)

Seek a just energy path for a healthy economy

The struggle to strike a balance between environmental concerns and economic growth remains a problem for developing nations as the world comes to understand the urgent need to switch to… Continue reading Seek a just energy path for a healthy economy

Just Finance International and Environment Governance Institute Reject TotalEnergies’s Failed Due Diligence Practices in Uganda’s Oil Pipeline

Amsterdam and Kampala, January 12, 2023: Just Finance International takes note of TotalEnergies’ response to our investigative piece, “Risk of poverty after land acquisitions for Uganda’s mega oil pipeline”, published on the Business and… Continue reading Just Finance International and Environment Governance Institute Reject TotalEnergies’s Failed Due Diligence Practices in Uganda’s Oil Pipeline

Uganda’s Oil Pipeline Project Threatens Livelihoods of Thousands of Displaced People

Uganda’s Oil Pipeline Project Threatening Livelihoods of Thousands of Displaced People  Kampala, 16 November 2022:- A newly published field report by Just Finance International and the Environment Governance Institute in Uganda finds that… Continue reading Uganda’s Oil Pipeline Project Threatens Livelihoods of Thousands of Displaced People



Recently, the debate on whether Uganda should transition its investments to clean energy and leave her oil on the ground has dominated the airwaves. From the climate activist Dominica Lasota… Continue reading ENERGY TRANSITION IS INEVITABLE, LETS EMBRACE IT

E-Marketing improves community livelihoods and conservation status of Murchison falls

As the country continues to battle with the economic blow brought about by the Covid 19 pandemic that resulted in the institution of two lockdowns in a  space of 12… Continue reading E-Marketing improves community livelihoods and conservation status of Murchison falls

NEMA should use satellite monitoring during lock down period to track illegal deforestation.

"Rain forest, logging."

The outbreak of COVID-19 has had an unprecedented global impact with almost no country left untouched. While it’s a health pandemic, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are not limited… Continue reading NEMA should use satellite monitoring during lock down period to track illegal deforestation.

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Invest more in tourism for sustainability

The President of Uganda HE. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni recently had a meeting with the Chief Executive Officer of the Uganda Tourism Board Lily Ajarova. The meeting was also attended by… Continue reading Invest more in tourism for sustainability

Oil firms should protect environment

Total E&P Uganda has signed five packages for drilling of oil wells in Nwoya and Buliisa districts under the Tilenga project. The approximately $2 billion deal will also provide for… Continue reading Oil firms should protect environment

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Pay oil-affected people

Recently, CSO working to promote environment conservation and community livelihoods organized a community meeting in the EACOP-affected districts. The meeting aimed at ensuring that oil activities do not damage our… Continue reading Pay oil-affected people

African Elephants Now Critically Endangered: EGI’s Efforts to Reverse The Conservations Status

Recently, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) updated its red list databook and unfortunately, the African Elephant showed a big status change of the key species from… Continue reading African Elephants Now Critically Endangered: EGI’s Efforts to Reverse The Conservations Status

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